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AllRecipes.com: #1 Food Site

I’m not sure what happened to me, but I used to hate food.

No, I wasn’t anorexic; I was four-years-old. Eating anything else besides candy and cake sounded awful to me! I used pull all kinds of tricks when my mom tried to feed me, like chewing for a long time and not swallowing so she wouldn’t feed me more. I would also spit out my food in the garbage when she wasn’t looking. When my mom found out I was doing that, I got smart and started spitting my food into the toilet then flushing. Aha! No evidence.

My family would have trick me into eating by telling me if I ate enough chicken wings, I’d grow wings to fly. Okay, what four-year-old wouldn’t want to fly?! So, that’s all I ate growing up. Chicken wings. But I didn’t like it. I just wanted to fly.

All right, four-year-old Linda. What were you thinking?

Now at 20, I love food. It’s the first thing I think about when I wake up in the morning, and the last thing I think about before going to bed.

Being a full-time student, working half-time and being involved on campus gives me very little time to cook. When I do cook though, I want the food to be amazing because most likely, I’ll be heating and reheating the food until I get a chance to cook again. Oh, college.

Here’s where Allrecipes.com comes in. So I’m making a meal that I might be eating for several days. It better be good.

Let’s say I want to make a recipe with chicken, I can type in “chicken” in the search bar, then sort the recipes by ratings.

Now, here’s the best part: Allrecipes.com is completely user-generated with more than 434 million visits a year, worldwide with 2.7 billion pages of recipes. So you’re hearing from millions of home cooks of all different skill levels. On most recipe websites, recipes are only getting five or six reviews while the current top recipe (Banana crumb muffins, yum!) on Allrecipes has 5,830 ratings and a bunch of helpful recipe improvement tips from its users. Now this here is what we call a social network. Home cooks from all over are brought together on one network to share recipes, photos, tips and reviews.

Allrecipes.com recently even topped FoodNetwork.com as the number one recipe website on the Internet. What is this saying about celebrity chefs vs. everyday home cooks? As a home cook myself, I’m more likely going to trust the opinions of other millions of home cooks rather than the one celebrity who insists on her show what she’s dishing up is delicious.

Relatability, although not a real word (but one day will be, I’ve decided), is key to building social networks.

Visit: http://allrecipes.com/

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May 2024

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